Village Parks
Enjoy some fresh air, exercise and fun at our village parks!
Candy Cane Park
Playground • Picnic Tables • Open Space
Candy Cane Park is located at the intersection of 5th Street and 10th Avenue. Please note Village ordinances prohibit dogs and other pets from being in any park in the Village. No alcohol is allowed in the Village Parks.
Hoesly Pond
Fishing pond • Picnic tables • Open space
Hoesly Pond is located at the intersection of Hwy 69 and Cty Hwy W. Hoesly Pond is used for fishing in the summer. Please note Village ordinances prohibit dogs and other pets from being in any park in the Village. No alcohol is allowed in the Village Parks
New Glarus Woods State Park
At The New Glarus Woods State Park you will find marked nature trails, picnic area, playground, and camping. Follow the blacktop bike trail into New Glarus for shopping, dinning, and sight seeing.
New Glarus Woods State Park
W5446 County Highway NN
New Glarus, Wisconsin 53574
(608) 527-2335
Valle Tell Soccer Park
Soccer Fields • Playground • Picnic Tables
Valle Tell Soccer Park is located by the Valle Tell subdivision off of Elmer Rd. Park facilities include soccer fields. Please note Village ordinances prohibit dogs and other pets from being in any park in the Village. No alcohol is allowed in the Village Parks.
Veterans Memorial Park
Playground • Tennis Courts • Baseball Field • Basketball Hoop • Open Space • Open Shelters • Picnic Tables
Veterans Memorial Park in New Glarus Veterans Park commemorates the service of local veterans to our country. Veterans Memorial Park is located across from New Glarus Elementary School on 2nd Street. Please note Village ordinances prohibit dogs and other pets from being in any park in the Village. No alcohol is allowed in the Village Parks.
Village Park
Playground • Pool • Volleyball Court • Basketball Court • Open Shelter • Picnic Tables
The Village Park is located across from Village Hall between Railroad and 2nd Street. Please note Village ordinances prohibit dogs and other pets from being in any park in the Village. No alcohol is allowed in the Village Parks.
Parks and park shelters may be rented for the day for special events, e.g., birthday parties, family reunions. No alcohol is allowed in the Village Parks. Please contact the Village Clerk's Office at (608) 527-2510 for more information.