New Glarus Cow Parade
The New Glarus “Cow Parade” got its start when two New Glarus shopkeepers saw a cow parade in the airport in Zurich, Switzerland. Since the cows are manufactured in Zurich, and New Glarus is in dairy country, the painted cows seemed a perfect fit. Cows were imported from Switzerland and painted with unique designs by area artists. Today, the cows reside in various locations around town. See if you can spot them all (if you need hints, check our local street map)!
Bank of New Glarus - Main
Look above your head to find this Holstein cow. The cow wears a belt and bell that add a Swiss touch.
Bank of New Glarus
501 1st St
Moo-sher the Brown Swiss is painted to resemble a Swiss cow, a breed found in dairy herds throughout Green County.
Mosher and Associates
513 1st St
Alpaufzug Annie
Alpabzug, a Swiss tradition, occurs when lowland farmers bring their herds of cattle down from the Alpine pastures. The best cow of each herd is adorned with flowers and a treicheln bell, like Annie’s. Annie also sports Band-aids, bandages, and a cast signed by the staff of the clinic.
The Monroe Clinic
1800 2nd St
Recreational Cow
Its design depicts various recreational activities that go on in the park, including music, swimming and soccer.
Village Park
2nd St & 4th Ave
Two cows call the Chalet Landhaus home!
Bernese Cow
This cow wears traditional Swiss Bernese folk attire, based on traditional Swiss folkwear. Bernese is near the Bike Trail behind the Landhaus.
Chalet Landhaus Inn
801 Hwy 69
Alpine Meadow Cow resides in the Chalet rock garden depicting a Brown Swiss cow lying in the grass and alpine flowers.
Chalet Landhaus Inn
801 Hwy 69
Bingo the Cow is painted with a bingo card. This theme was chosen because bingo is an activity greatly enjoyed by many of the residents of the New Glarus Home.
New Glarus Home
600 2nd Ave
Udderly Etter named after long time school administrator Pete Etter. She is a black and white holstein, representing Mr. Etter’s country of birth.
New Glarus Elementary School
1420 2nd St
Appenzell Cow
The cow is dressed in the traditional costume of a man from the Swiss Canton of Appenzell.
Hutch + Hide
600 First St
Portrays a colorful sunset over the rolling farmland hills of Green County. Sunset grazes at Lake Ridge Bank.
Lake Ridge Bank
512 Hwy 69
Master Chef Cow
Standing in front of the New Glarus Hotel, she is painted in traditional chef’s garb, ready to serve your lunch.
New Glarus Hotel
100 6th Ave
Chuck the Cow – In honor of the shoes on its feet and the food it will someday become, Chuck represents Tofflers Pub & Grill very well! Tofflers—Swiss slang for biker—is why the cow wears a leather vest. The beer and burger represent Tofflers’ great food, and his Chuck Taylor shoes pay homage to the Jimmys who play live every other Thursday night.
Tofflers Pub & Grill
200 5th Ave
Mabel the Cow
The newest parade member. If you look closely, the design shows familiar faces of the Leuthner family past and present.
Country View Veterinary Service
1106 Hwy 69